.Dreamscience V1, V2 Overrun Map for iMap handsets only

£100 (£83.33 ex vat) IN STOCK Finance Options Available

.Dreamscience V1, V2 Overrun Map for iMap handsets only

£100 (£83.33 ex vat) IN STOCK Finance Options Available

Custom Tune File *

Dreamscience Handset *

Already own a Turbo X or TXX map? *

Serial Number (X4***********) *

(X4***********). Please double check the iMap serial number is correct after entering here, if incorrect (even by one number/letter) the tune will not work on your device and you will be charged again for a rebuild/ resend.

Strategy Number *

Found in the ‘Vehicle Info’ section using the iMap (when plugged into the vehicle)

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Product Description

Dreamscience V1, V2 Overrun Map for iMap handsets only

**Created for Permitting Track Usage Only, Not Road Legal

**Not Catalytic Convertor Friendly

Handsets and ecu calibrations supported

Ø  These maps are not supported by the older green and blue screen racer edition handsets.

Ø  When purchasing your new map, you will receive both V1 and V2 so you have both options of aggression.

 Maps Available

Mod-X+-LC-V1 (Big burble, high rate multiple bangs, very aggressive, low flames)

Mod-X+-LC-V2 (Bigger bangs, emits flames, larger interval between ignitions)

Mod-XRS+-LC-V1 (Big burble, high rate multiple bangs, very aggressive, low flames)

Mod-XRS+-LC-V2 (Bigger bangs, emits flames, larger interval between ignitions)

Turbo-X+-LC-V1 (Big burble, high rate multiple bangs, very aggressive, low flames)

Turbo-X+-LC-V2 (Bigger bangs, emits flames, larger interval between ignitions)

– The Serial Number can be found on the back of the iMap handset – “X4***********”

– The Vin number can be found in the ‘Vehicle Info’ section of your handset.

– The Strategy number can also be found in the ‘Vehicle Info’ section of your handset.

 Check out this map in action


How do I add this tune to my iMap once purchased? 

Once purchased, the tunes files will be emailed to you. The email will include these simple steps on how to add the tunes to your iMap device.

  1. Save the tune files to your Windows PC/ Desktop.
  2. If you haven’t already, Install our iMap updater from the following link:
  3. Once the updater is open and handset connected with cable provided, click on “load custom tune file”, “add to device” then “program”.
  4. Once complete, disconnect and plug into car and the tune will appear in the “custom tune” section.
  5. Load the tune and Enjoy.

If you have any install or connectivity issues, a troubleshooting help guide will be attached.

Information only relevant for Hybrid Turbo Owners Purchasing Turbo X or TXX software. 

Turbo X or TXX overrun tune files are only available for the latest vehicle ecu version 7BUG (393284), this can  be found by plugging into your car and reading your vehicle info.

If your Strategy number is;

– 378731

– 382957

You will need to update your ECU before the plus maps will work. This can either be organised at Dreamscience or your local Ford dealership.

*Please note – Windows PC Required to load tunes – These tune files are manually built around your device serial number, ECU strategy number and drop down selections. Please order during working hours for quickest delivery. Delivery is sent via email once built and ready.*

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Unique features of the maps as below, they all share the same features

1)      Unique two step launch control, revs to 5021 Rpm in neutral, and 3221 Rpm when any gear engaged for launch.

2)      Edited fuel tables to ensure more economy when cruising and at full throttle, more refined.

3)      Ignition timing edits above 4500 rpm to help hold power for longer and offer a better peak power.

4)      Edited airflow tables

5)      Over run facility in V1 map with strong deceleration burble

6)      Over run facility in V2 map with burble and loud reports / bangs with flames

7)      Below 3500 rpm on both V1 and V2 maps there is a slight burble between gears

8)      Above 3500 rpm the maps activate all the noise and flame features.

9)      Best suited to vehicles using a decat

10)    The OEM software’s cold start feature (1200 RPM) is designed to warm up catalytic converters.

11)     V1 and V2 maps are incompatible with catalytic converters, making this feature redundant and deleted.

12)    The car will idle at around 800 RPM instead.

13)    For track use only